A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
When Neptune's crown is stolen, SpongeBob and Patrick set out to clear Mr Krabs' name. Absorbingly offbeat cartoon caper with a cameo from David Hasselhoff. Flashing ...
A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
One of his most memorable took place during his feature film, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. The fandom and critics have adored this movie since its wave-making debut. Fans get to celebrate it ...
SpongeBob and his pals are on the ultimate underwater adventure in SpongeBob SquarePants: Atlantis SquarePantis! Join them as they travel to Atlantis in search of "The Oldest Living Bubble" and ...
Baywatch and Knight Rider star David Hasselhoff, who played a lifeguard in 2004's SpongeBob SquarePants movie, said it was a "shocking loss". "Wow what a unique and fantastic character Steve created!" ...