In a world where chaos has taken root, propelled by social media and broadcasted entertainment, we constantly feel its toll on our society. The atmosphere is charged with a fearful undertone, robbing ...
Nun-chucks may be obsolete, because now you can learn how to subdue an attacker with your selfie stick. And where else would be the place to learn this, if it was not Russia. “Selfie-defense has ...
The Pentagon says the U.S. military carried out a strike in "self-defense" in eastern Syria on Tuesday, destroying several weapons systems. Pentagon press secretary Major General Pat Ryder told ...
494. In its 1996 Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, the International Court of Justice said: Furthermore, the Court cannot lose sight of the fundamental right of ...
The morning started off with a refreshing and informative lesson from i-Lead Self Defence founder Risha Patak Harie, who started off by explaining how her classes have helped participants identify ...
A Florida man accused of a hate crime for killing a gay man is asking a judge to dismiss the charges, saying he acted in self-defense. Gerald Radford testified on Friday that he feared for his own ...
Also, it has a two-sight radius and no-stick trigger because the gun was made for the purpose of balance ... Remington Model 870 is a pump-action shotgun that is commonly used for self-defense, home ...
But local self-defense trainer Dani Joy doesn't want you to fear for your life due to these attacks - she want you to know how to protect it. "We know that anybody can commit violence, but just ...
Self-defense is the authorization given by law of defend themselves, of protect someone or property, during an attack. The means used in this defense are prohibited in another situation.