Appudo Ippudo Eppudo, a Telugu romantic thriller directed by Sudheer Varma, is all set to entertain audiences with its gripping storyline. Starring Nikhil Siddhartha as Rishi, alongside Rukmini ...
2. Vanilla Sky – Amazon Prime Video Headlined by Tom Cruise, Penélope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz, this movie is a mind-bending psychological-romantic thriller that explores themes of love ...
With OTT platforms, viewers are just a click away from experiencing the best of comedy, action, romance, horror and thriller. If you’re a romantic at heart but also enjoy suspense, a romantic thriller ...
“Freedom” is more than just a thriller; it is, at its heart, a love story, a romantic film filled with impossible loves and poignant tragedies. The central character is a captivating, poetic, and ...
"It feels like everything is just out of my control..." Electric Ent. has revealed an official trailer for an indie romantic sci-fi film called Futra Days, created by filmmaker Ryan David.