Using a credit card to purchase lottery tickets is legal in over 20 states, although credit card users should proceed with caution. In states where it is legal, individual retailers are usually ...
One lucky person in New York is now an estimated $256 million richer after winning Saturday's Powerball Jackpot. The jackpot winner will take home a $123.5 million home after taxes, according to ...
The tickets both matched four white balls and the Powerball to win the third-tier prizes. The winning tickets were sold at: Old Bridge Card Smart on Route 9, in Old Bridge (Middlesex County ...
Check your numbers for the Powerball jackpot, which is now worth an estimated $240 million for Wednesday's drawing. Wednesday's $240 million jackpot rose to $260 million after no one won Wednesday ...
Will a $2 Powerball lottery ticket make you a multimillionaire? It did for someone last month. The Powerball lottery jackpot reset when a ticket in Georgia won the Oct. 23 Powerball drawing for $ ...
Will a $2 Powerball lottery ticket make you a multimillionaire? Check your tickets for the winning numbers! The Powerball lottery jackpot reset when a ticket in Georgia won the Oct. 23 Powerball ...