The story also said at Pergo is also working on tweaking its product line by getting into other forms of flooring. Sturrus says Pergo expects to introduce several new products in 2005, including ...
Is waterproof flooring really waterproof? Are we expecting a flood? Did the consumers of flooring ask for this, or was it a marketing and sales effort to create more demand for a product already ...
What do the colorful sheen of M&M chocolate candies, O-Cedar floor mops and battery packs for electric trucks have in common? All three come from German industrial conglomerate Freudenberg Group. The ...
A great pair of floorstanders can instantly supercharge your hi-fi system and deliver room-filling sound, acting as an attention-grabbing duo and offering the breadth, scale and authority that most ...
"He was very polite, very kind, very calm." This is how Valerio, the young boy who fell from the window of his tenth-floor home yesterday, is described by the residents of Via Igino Giordani.