Synopsis: "Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night" is a parallel sequel to the previous "Paranormal Activity" instalment. This time around, it centres on a travelling college student who visits San Diego, ...
Featuring dramatized reenactments, the docuseries recounts real-life ghost encounters narrated by people who claim to have experienced paranormal phenomena firsthand.
Such people purposely visit haunted sights and even use Ouija Boards to interact with paranormal beings, but let’s be honest, not all of us dare to do that. So, we pick the safer option to experience ...
What are Halestorm so scared of? Oh nothing, just the infamous Blood Prison in this special episode of Season 2 of Paranormal Prison, exclusively on Loudwire! All four members of the veteran rock ...
One of the major issues fans have with Iron Man 3 is Tony ... in horror movie history, there would definitely be a place for Micah (Micah Sloat) from the first Paranormal Activity movie, released ...
Filmmaker Wesley Wang, 20, embodies this ethos. During his senior year of high school, Wang wrote and directed the short film nothing, except everything and released it on YouTube. The film went viral ...
Through dialogue, we come into contact with the paranormal. You are a counselor at a facility for children with hidden paranormal abilities. You must fill in the chart with dialogue and ...
Researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK set out to determine whether paranormal beliefs — be it in religion, witchcraft or new age spirituality — are an indicator of how ...
We'll be updating this list as more information about the slate of 2024 new movies becomes available. However, we already got the long-awaited Dune sequel, plus new franchise entries for A Quiet Place ...