The animated PBS Kids series, "Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum," follows Xavier as he, his sister and friend meet historical figures portrayed as children. In a recent episode, they meet a person ...
PBS and Amazon have struck a deal to launch more than 150 local PBS stations and the PBS KIDS Channel ad-free over the coming months as a Prime Video FAST offering. FAST Channels on Amazon are ...
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation Added to Other Shows PBS KIDS is also reaching children who are Deaf and hard of ...
PBS is expanding its presence in the linear, free streaming channel business. The public broadcaster has sealed a deal with Amazon to stream its PBS Kids channel, as well as 150 local PBS stations ...
as well as the PBS app and the PBS KIDS Video app. The apps are on iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast and smart TVs from Samsung, Xumo and Vizio.
The public broadcaster has sealed a deal with Amazon to stream its PBS Kids channel, as well as 150 local PBS stations, as part of the Prime Video FAST channel offerings.