The animated PBS Kids series, "Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum," follows Xavier as he, his sister and friend meet historical figures portrayed as children. In a recent episode, they meet a person ...
Thursday on the News Hour, President Biden commutes over a thousand sentences and issues dozens of pardons for non-violent drug offenders. Daily life returns to Syria where new leaders must figure out ...
In today’s Daily, PBS Kids introduces their first autistic lead in their original programming ... But Carl the Racoon is the ...
Children’s and Family Emmy Awards announced its nominations on Thursday. This is the third year since these categories were ...
Carl the Collector marks the first time a PBS KIDS show has been fronted by an autistic character. It follows as Carl the raccoon—who, as the title suggests, loves collecting things—interacts with the ...
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences today revealed the winners of its third annual Children’s & Family Emmy ...
Find out everything you need to know about the latest and greatest TV Shows for your Kids as soon as they come out. This list has our most recent reviews, so you can stay up to date on the titles your ...
Spend more time watching Disney Plus and less time searching for what to watch. Use this list to find the best TV Shows for your Kids. And check back often! We'll be updating it daily with new ...
In Generation Barney, member station Connecticut Public explores how Barney the Dinosaur shaped a generation of kids. Here's some of the podcast's first episode in which host Sabrina Herrera guides us ...
As part of a national advisory team, this Sparta senior is steering the future editorial direction of PBS student programming ...