Trace One, a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and compliance solutions, is pleased to announce the release of Trace One Devex PLM 2025. Designed to accelerate ...
Obesity could be halved by the end of the decade if there was better access to weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and junk food businesses faced tighter advertising and nutritional reporting controls.
A free, universal, and mixed-delivery birth-through-5 education system with a stable and fairly compensated workforce is critical for ensuring that children, families, and the economy thrive.
这就是很多人借以判定食品营养价值好坏的工具Nutri Score。我们可以暂时把它译作营养评级。尽管这个工具自2017启用以来在法国颇得好评,也被一些 ...