Jio India has launched JioTag Go, the first Android tracker compatible with Google’s Find My Device network. Priced at Rs.
Android is bolstering its safety features with enhanced unknown tracker alerts, providing quicker notifications about ...
The chip, code-named Proxima, has been in development for several years and is now slated to go into the first products in ...
Apple has already seized a leadership position with Apple Silicon. Now, it seeks to build a second bridgehead in networking ...
Google enables Android users to locate unknown Bluetooth trackers, addressing security concerns linked to tracking abuse.
Package carriers are starting to tag some shipments with devices that emit signals tracking the exact whereabouts of parcels ...
Find out what Google's changing to make Wear OS smartwatches as fast as possible when downloading new updates.
Google has added two new features to Android's unknown tracker alerts to enhance user safety. The new tools let users pause ...
Android is bolstering its safety features with enhanced unknown tracker alerts, providing quicker notifications about unfamiliar Bluetooth devices. Two new features allow users to temporarily ...
The good news is that more recent Bluetooth 5.2 compatible headphones are likely to work with Bluetooth LE audio. But just because a device is new doesn't mean it'll definitely have Bluetooth 5.3.
Google is updating Find My Device Bluetooth trackers to make it possible to find unknown trackers if you receive an alert.