"Animaccord, an animation studio that owns the rights to Masha and the Bear, one of the world’s most popular kids shows, according to Parrot Analytics, 2023, is getting ready to release new ...
Animaccord studio was established in 2008 specifically for the Masha and the Bear project. According to Loveiko, "it was not clear whether the project would be successful or not," but the creators ...
18. Laundry Day - The Bear decides to suit a big laundry in his yard, but yet he has no idea that soon he would have to pull Masha from a puddle and a jar of jam.But it’s not all- now the Bear ...
Do you know what ornithology is? This is a science that studies birds! And it is also Dash's new hobby. She comes to visit Masha and the Bear and discovers a new unique bird species!
With kindness and comedy in its heart, this series follows the adventures of a little girl Masha and her friend The Bear. Their relationship is a metaphor for how a child interacts with the big world.
Parrot Analytics, a specialist in entertainment demand data, has unveiled insights into the popularity of children’s content worldwide, spotlighting the enduring appeal of the Masha and the Bear ...