Enter the new HomePad. Apple’s as-yet-unnamed HomePad, based on Mark Gurman’s reporting, sounds like it will be able to do everything HomePod can do and a lot more—including supporting Apple ...
And none were set up to make home devices a big business for Apple. With the forthcoming HomePad (my guess at a name), Apple sounds like it’s getting serious about the home. Gurman says that ...
Apple’s new ‘HomePad’ smart home device could have big implications for the existing HomePod line. Here are a couple possible scenarios.
It’s about damn time Apple took the smart home seriously, having let Apple Home / HomeKit largely languish in the decade ...
你的家够智能吗,有智能家居产品入驻吗?智能家居中控系统通常都存在界面问题。在手机上搜索应用程序、与混乱的语音助手搏斗以及摆弄“智能”显示屏来关灯……这些操作上的不便足以让你干脆直接跑到墙边摁开关。但苹果公司正在尝试解决智能家居控制的挫败感——它有机会 ...
In 2009-2011, there were rumors about Apple's own TV set, and although it didn't happen in the end, it appears that the ...
As Apple’s anticipated home “command center” comes into focus, some of its purported features have a familiar ring.
站长之家(ChinaZ.com)11月18日 消息:据知名科技记者马克·古尔曼在其 Power On 简报中透露,苹果正在重新评估推出苹果品牌电视机的可能性,但这一计划的实现可能需要几年时间,并取决于其即将推出的智能显示器产品的市场表现。
Apple's upcoming smart home device will feature AI, a new operating system, security applications and much more.