The Animated Series brought the DC heroes together for Justice League. When they were deciding which Green Lantern to use for ...
Aaron Pierre says he's doing "extensive" work to prepare to play legendary Green Lantern John Stewart in HBO's Lanterns live-action series.
Animated series based on the DC Comics superhero team. When Beast Boy steals the power ring and jumps into Zatanna's hat, Green Lantern must deal with being powerless as she and her friends give chase ...
The DC Animated Universe united the world’s finest superheroes in the Justice League animated series: Superman, Batman, ...
James Gunn had a playful interaction with Ryan Reynolds after he and Peter Safran assumed creative control of the DCU ...
The series stars Friday Night Lights’ Kyle Chandler as Hal Jordan and Rebel Ridge’s Aaron Pierre as John Stewart, and will apparently feature the two Green Lanterns in a more grounded story as they ...