阿联酋拉斯海马(2024年12月2日)——总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(纳斯达克:FFIE)("Faraday Future "、"FF"或 ...
As a global leader in automotive electronics and lighting, FORVIA HELLA's development in China is closely tied to Shanghai, ...
* As the world's first national-level exhibition dedicated to supply chains, CISCE helps businesses worldwide integrate into ...
Guangdong's manufacturing industry is transitioning from traditional methods to cutting-edge technologies, empowering new ...
· 全力推动FX系列车型的量产交付· 签署正式协议以加速推出大规模放量车型,填补包括纯电和增程在内的美国AIEV大众市场空白· ...
As empresas chinesas de tecnologia que participam da Smart Nation Expo 2024 atraíram grande interesse na terça-feira, com veículos elétricos, fabricantes de estações de recarga e fornecedores de soluç ...
11月26日,中央广播电视总台CGTN聚焦唐山,通过英文节目对唐山外贸转型助推陶瓷产业“出海”进行了报道。节目时长3分38秒,妥妥的 “国际范儿”! North China's Hebei Province stands out as one of the country's largest ceramic exporters.
On November 15th, the 19th China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair (CISMEF) opened in Guangzhou, featuring a ...
The central government will help more mainland companies list in Hong Kong, improve mutual market access, issue treasury ...
在美国劳工部2024年报告中,泰国的宠物食品、鱼粉和鱼油产品被列为使用童工或强迫劳动生产的商品,归入贸易黑名单。这一指定预计将影响泰国对美国的出口,这些出口每年价值超过 10 亿美元。
近日, 赢科数能 与泰国知名电气工程企业TC&E公司正式签署合作协议,标志着赢科数能在东南亚市场的进一步拓展。双方将充分发挥双方在各自领域的优势,为泰国北部偏远地区带来稳定而持续的电力供应。 TC&E首席执行官助理Mr.
BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- China has spearheaded the development of all 13 system-level international standards for high-speed rail set by the International Union of Railways (UIC), as announced at ...