For some reason, it wasn't designed to charge the battery when running which is a flaw. If you read the manual, you will find the valve clearance is supposed to be adjusted at 50 hours.
When Hurricane Irene was coming to FL, I checked the unit and it was dead. Generac told me to get a new battery, which I did & it was still completely dead. I called Generac again and they sent me ...
Generac Holdings Inc. GNRC stock has surged 27.7% in the past three months outpacing the S&P 500 composite and the sub-industry’s growth of 9.7% and 15.6%, respectively.
Generac CEO Aaron Jagdfeld stated, "The vulnerability of our nation's electrical grid has never been more evident with the U.S. experiencing the highest level of power outage hours through the ...
The real estate generator market is witnessing a significant surge, influenced by the increasing frequency of power outages and rapid technological advancement ...