Cyber Monday is done, or is it? You can still save on your holiday shopping and pick up a little something for yourself, too, ...
Serving the nation since 1947 by providing an accurate, objective, uninterrupted flow of news to the people, the national news service is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to transform the existing ...
The restoration of Istanbul's hammams, like the Zeyrek Cinili, revives a rich bathing culture that symbolizes cleanliness and socialization. For centuries, hammams were central to Ottoman society ...
With the Tile app on your smartphone, you'll have constant access to the whereabouts of your bag. In Mashable's review of the best Bluetooth trackers, the Tile Pro earns the title of the best ...
Besides the gate and road, the path leading to the outpatient department (OPD) and the blood bank will also get a makeover with interlocking tiles. The hospital premises as a whole is undergoing ...
The app is probably already installed on your Android device. DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos, images, or videos from your internal memory or external memory card. Whether you ...