Ginny is in column A, and the 4 Weasleys in the quiz are all in the corners, so Ginny must be in A5. Harry is in the same diagonal as Percy and Ron according to Ginny’s clue, so he is in either B2, C3 ...
CHICAGO — Neighbors on parts of the Southwest Side, Englewood and Chatham have spoken: They want free mental health programs in their neighborhoods, according to Tuesday’s election results. Neighbors ...
She cannot be located in B5 or D5, since she was never a co-worker of Robin’s or a girlfriend of Barney’s. She must therefore be in B4. From Stella’s clue we see that somewhere in the puzzle must ...
One of the great puzzles of international economics has been the fact that the U.S. has tended to earn more money on its international investments (and lending) than it pays on its external debts.