Faith Works: After this election, we need each other more than ever One is from how I look back now over the years before my father’s passing and how I had tried to recover and record some ...
Does this sound relevant to anyone else? Faith Works: How popular is pop culture, anyhow? Just before that, Paul was setting up his overarching point: “For the body does not consist of one ...
This whole column could easily be rendered down into two words: Don’t wait. My justification for writing more, other than to fill the space this is intended to cover, is I have a very specific ...
Faith Works:The real story behind the mysterious Newark Holy Stones As Flannery O’Connor said on this subject, “To the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost blind you draw large and ...
There are many passages in the Bible that seem to make it clear that faith is the most important thing. So it seems pretty clear from these verses that it is faith not works that are important for the ...
Faith Works: The real story behind the mysterious Newark Holy Stones Then I doubled down on my semi-ironic pleading as I entered the church, but not actually thinking the senior minister would go ...