“During the holiday season, Seuss Landing,” which is part of Universal’s Islands of Adventure theme park, “is decorated with the holiday charm and cheer of Dr. Seuss’s Who-ville.
Dec. 20, 2005: “The Breakthrough,” the seventh studio album by Mary J. Blige, is released. Dec. 21, 1956: The Montgomery bus boycott ends. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, E. D. Nixon ...
The Dayton Art Institute (DAI) will close its 2024 Special Exhibition season with an exciting presentation of two combined traveling exhibitions, Merry Grinchmas: Art of Dr. Seuss’ Holiday Classic & ...
White said generally brace for 30s and low 40s from this week on. Ignore tradition ... Cheer to all Whos, far and near," Dr. Seuss wrote. "Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have ...