AKIN, Ayşe Hilal 2022. Einbildungskraft Kavramının Türkçe Felsefe Sözlüklerindeki Yolculuğu ve Kant’ın I. Kritiği’nden Hareketle Muhayyile Melekesi Üzerine Düşünmek. ULUM, Vol. 5, Issue. 1, p. 141.
His work inspired religious free-thinkers and political radicals, French Enlightenment philosophes, German Idealists, Russian Marxists, writers, and scientists. The Lexicon is a comprehensive ...
Comparing practice performance to regional and national benchmarks is an important tool for improving the quality of patient care. Participate in one of the eight registries that comprise the ACR ...
The Settings app of Windows 11 is helpful to view custom words as well as clearing the personal dictionary to remove all those words. Here are the steps: The default.dic file in Windows 11 stores ...
The Commission on Patient- and Family-Centered Care (CPFCC) works to ensure high-quality radiologic care is provided in a manner that incorporates the needs, wants and values of our patients and ...