全新配色「Palest Purple」跟随着先前曝光的优雅浅色调美学,采用纯色的压纹皮革鞋面,搭配半透明中底予以可爱氛围,细节处则能看到鞋跟贴片的 NOCTA 标志与中底处取代 AIR 的 Love You Forever 字样,延续着专辑《Certified Lover Boy》的主题精神,此外还能看见同色的字母方块赠品。
Ice-cream production in Salcedo, a quaint town in Ecuador's central highlands, began in the mid-20th century, born from the ingenuity of Franciscan nuns.
Despite earlier pledges that he wouldn’t use his presidential pardon powers to spare his son Hunter from prison, President Joe Biden did just that on Sunday. The Associated Press is reporting that ...
One of the purposes of Rough Notes and Casual Thoughts is to pick up the loose ends that have been lying around and make something of them.. In the time ...