The Lightning Circle is a novel-in-verse written by acclaimed children’s author Vikki VanSickle. The transformative story of Nora Nichols’s 17th year follows her three-month stay at summer camp in the ...
With topics as varied as Disney's tweens, Wisconsin state parks and the centuries of history that led to your Moleskine, our annual list of recommended new books for holiday gifts may have something ...
His last book, Fox Goes North (Scholastic ... All the Plays: A Children’s Edition Credit: Walker On the non-fiction side of the aisle, the highlights included RSPB Bird Tales by Dawn Casey ...
Children’s fiction: Ghost stories for Samhain and tales of female fearlessnessOpens in new window ] In Richard Adoyade’s Fairytale Fan Club (Walker Books, £12.99, 7+), illustrated by David ...