but that are in the Catholic Bible. In one quote from St. Augustine, he even lists the canon of the Old Testament and it includes the books that are considered apocryphal by Protestantism.
If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Revelation 22: ...
So, who wrote the Bible? The answer is twofold: human authors wrote it, yet God authored it through them. They held the pen, but they conveyed the words that God intended. While the majority of the ...
And in a related way, what scriptural basis is there for the Catholic practice of “relics,” such as saving ... since these were among the Old Testament books that Martin Luther chose not to include in ...
The Scripture readings and prayers during this week often focus on the prophecies in the Old Testament about the promised Savior and the expectation ... It's a time for believers to meditate on the ...
But what exactly does it mean to place the word “Catholic” before such terms as school, education, or teacher? In his new book What Makes Education Catholic: Spiritual Foundations (Orbis Books, 2021), ...