【本文由小黑盒作者@我呵呵呵于12月06日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 兄弟们这一期是蓝色系搭配推荐,部分冷门武器没有放入。话不多说直接进入正题 手枪 格洛克 18 型 | 异星世界(崭新4.4 略磨1.4) 格洛克 18 型 | ...
北京时间12月2日,CS2上海Major揭幕赛瑞士轮继续进行,黑豹、paiN与GL成功取得第3胜晋级淘汰赛阶段,RA、C9、VP被淘汰。 瑞士轮排名 上海Major揭幕赛阶段共16支队伍参赛,将采取瑞士轮赛制(3胜晋级,3败淘汰),8支队伍将进入下阶段比赛,涉及晋级与淘汰的比赛为BO3,其余为BO1。 FURIA 2-1 BIG 巴西传统豪门黑豹连赢3场,以3胜1负的战绩晋级最终阶段,而在RMR中 ...
《反恐精英2》上海Major的正赛即将开始,那么24只战队在开始第一轮比赛之前是如何分组的呢,下面请看“清蒸鲈鱼”带来的《反恐精英2》上海Major队伍分组介绍,希望能够帮助大家。 传奇组战队将直接参加淘汰赛阶段(Major第二阶段)的比赛。
TalkEsport is world's premier stop for esports scores, news and coverage! In the industry since 2009, TalkEsport has garnered immense authenticity and credibility, making it the top destination for ...
While it’s possible to climb up the CS2 leaderboard while sticking to the assault rifles, it’s highly recommended that players learn the AWP since it can single-handedly turn the tides of battle if ...
Hardware like Intel Core i7 9700k or AMD Ryzen 7 2700X are CPUs that run CS2 at maximum settings without any issues. Naturally, with equipment like that, you should be able to easily run other ...
作为在CS2中横空出世的天才少年,夸张的操作和数据一时之间让不少人认为他就是CS2中最好的选手,donk自然也需要这样一个冠军来证明自己就是今年 ...
Ready to bring some Halloween horror to your CS2 loadout? From bone-chilling reds to skins inspired by the very nightmares that keep you awake, we’ve put together the unholy dozen of spine-tingling ...
After weeks of teasing, Valve has finally released Train in the new CS2 update. The release sees the return of a map that has been absent since the changeover from CS:GO, bringing a much-needed ...
Well, after a few sneaky teasers last week, Valve has just dropped a surprise CS2 update that brings Train into the map pool – and it’s looking more atmospheric than ever. The most obvious is ...
IT之家11 月 13 日消息,在昨日结束的《CS2》上海 Major 亚太区 RMR 比赛中,RA 战胜 TALON,成为首支晋级本土 Major 赛事的中国战队;LVG 则击败对手 Alter Ego 保留一线生机。 在昨日率先进行的败者组第一轮中,LVG 以 2-1 的比分拿下 Alter Ego,延续了自己的 RMR 征途 ...