Monte Heil (Nov. 21, 2024, Daily Bee) falsely claims I said “science proves we are in a climate crisis.” The word “prove” is used in mathematics and logic to signify absolute truth.
Whether you’ve been here ten days or ten years, there’s always something new to learn. To celebrate the wonderful country we call home, we’ve rounded up 25 facts about Qatar — and we guarantee you won ...
BEE proponents should be proud of the amount of public funds that has been spent on BEE premiums, and should be boasting about how many more billions will be spent this way in the medium term. BEE ...
Water: This is one of a couple of species of bumblebee goby to occur only in freshwater, so there's no need to add salt. John kept his in softwater (50% rainwater) at about 3GH, pH 6.0 and a ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intends to designate 1.6 million acres of critical habitat for the rusty patched bumble bee in six states, including Minnesota. The rusty patched bumble bee ...
The bumblebee population has made an impressive comeback in a developed area by increasing to 116 times what it was two years ago thanks to a nature restoration group. Rewilding Denmarkfield ...