Sixteen-year-old Jiya Rai, who has autism spectrum disorder, crossed the 34km wide English Channel in 17 hours and 25 minutes ...
The nation’s most linguistically diverse state has a tortured history with bilingual education in public schools. The ...
As AI gets better at creating human-like voices, YouTuber creators can send their content in multiple languages—but the same ability can also support a Russian disinformation campaign.
The struggling Bay Area school system has made it its mission to embrace and educate these new arrivals now threatened by ...
Former Kenyan international Eugene Asike is walking a new path into his career, as he slowly looks to transition from active ...
After serving as interim head coach since August, Chip English officially takes the helm following a season defined by resilience and teamwork.
Some might call it a tragedy. The number of students taking English literature at A-level dropped from 83,000 in 2013 to ...
The current way public transit projects are being planned in Canada are against the global norm, creating unnecessary high ...
A 1998 ban on dual-language courses was repealed in 2016, but they still have not fully bounced back or hired enough teachers ...
Lord Blunkett said critics were repeating points that had already been made in a bid to delay the Bill passing through the ...
Bucking conventionality, boys in Norway are making early gains in reading English as a second language and even outperforming ...
Research on the efficacy of using generative artificial intelligence tools for English-language development is nascent. But initial examinations of AI’s role suggest the technology has the potential ...