The new film releasing this weekend is set to bring in more lore and explore the story of Sung Jinwoo's adventures as a ...
Bloomsbury Publishing is proud to announce that The Animator’s Survival Kit Animated is coming to the Bloomsbury Video Library as a streaming collection. From January 2025 this invaluable resource ...
Spread the loveThe visual evolution of the Final Fantasy series is a testament to both technological advancement and artistic ...
Visiting Japan and Korea had been a dream of mine for a long time and to be able to do that while simultaneously studying in ...
Now the invaluable resource is being presented in a new way for a new generation of animators. The book itself is being ...
Mofac Animation’s The King of Kings is shaping up to be a groundbreaking cinematic experience. This animated feature delves ...
The Arts Division’s new AI lab on campus, A4, has an inaugural director. Assistant Professor Elliot Anderson, who is also the ...
Adults can enjoy plenty of animated Disney series, as several have darker themes and expansive narratives that older ...
Six directors behind some of the most acclaimed animated films of the year discuss why they fell in love with movies, the ...
Shiva Ahmadi’s aqueous visions, Dave Smith’s oxymoronic LA, Miller Robinson’s cosmology of survival, the Guerrilla Girls’ first West Coast show, and more.
During Miami Art Week the deal-making, socializing and celebrity gawking at Art Basel and satellite art fairs can vie for ...
For his latest project, Self-Portrait as a Coffee Pot, Kentridge unpicks the intrinsic relationship between the artist and ...