Netflix’s new documentary series, The Manhattan Alien Abduction, is rekindling interest in the story of Linda Napolitano, the woman who claimed that extraterrestrial beings kidnapped her from ...
Netflix's latest true crime documentary series, The Manhattan Alien Abduction questions if it's a hoax or proof that aliens exist. Budd Hopkins, who was a famed Ufologist, features in old footage ...
Here is all you need to know about the true story behind The Manhattan Alien Abduction, as well as its trailer, release date on Netflix and more. Reports of alien encounters are anything but modern ...
Now, Napolitano is the subject of a new three-part Netflix docuseries, “The Manhattan Alien Abduction ... called “Witnessed: True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abduction.” ...
"The Manhattan Alien Abduction" tells the alleged true story of a woman named Linda ... for the easiest way to keep up with ...
The trailer for Pixar's upcoming Elio is here to take us on an intergalactic adventure. The film centers on a space fanatic ...
Netflix’s docuseries The Manhattan Alien Abduction revisits what ... In his book Witnessed: True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abduction, Hopkins used pseudonyms for all the witnesses.
This movie is what alien abduction is all about, and as surreal as the plot sounds, Frank Grillo makes it seem possible (talk about conviction in acting). You can stream the film here.
Netflix’s new series reveals shocking twists in the controversial and alleged UFO abduction of Linda Napolitano.