For Dr. Erin Flanagan, writing fiction is a three-pronged process of determination, dedication and stick-to-itiveness spurred by a love of the process. “Like the ...
The project has been honored in the latest Signal Awards, which recognizes excellence in the podcasting industry, as one of the best pods of 2024. Dead Writers picked up a bronze medal in the “Best Co ...
Listen to African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe below in either English or isiZulu: Please listen to the end for the bonus content from Dr Mhlophe, who explains why she enjoys this story so much.
The ambitious, multi-year "American Railroad" project tells the story of the transcontinental grid's construction through the lens of workers including African American, Chinese, Japanese ...
Poetic devices such as figurative language and imagery should be used. For more details, see the scoring rubric located at Short story authors are encouraged to generate a ...
Long Story Short is a brand-new short form commissioning opportunity open exclusively to writers who have recently taken part in one of the core BBC Writers development groups (Write Across ...
and gender in the short story have an understanding of some fundamental features of the development of the Anglo-American short story. can identify and discuss central aspects of short fiction theory.