The daily crossword is full of interesting trivia, helps improve mental flexibility and, of course, gives you some bragging rights if you manage to finish it every day. While the NYT puzzle might ...
What record did “Wicked” just set? Who are the kindred coaches of the NFL? Where in L.A. will you meet a dinosaur named Gnatalie?
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Love crossword puzzles but don’t have all day to sit and solve a full-sized puzzle in your daily newspaper? That’s what The Mini is for! A bite-sized version of the New York Times’ well ...
Welcome to our free mini crossword puzzles. Follow the clues and attempt to fill in all the puzzle’s squares. Check back each day for a new puzzle or explore ones we recently published.
It occurred to me after solving that this puzzle has a retro vibe, as ROTARY PHONES, FLIP PHONES, and PAY PHONES are not as commonplace as they used to be. (Although I have heard that the sale of ...
Today's LOW BOOTS are KNEE BOOTS, MOON BOOTS, and GO GO BOOTS. I am a fan of all kinds of BOOTS, so I definitely enjoyed this puzzle. It's fun that although all of the BOOT types are LOW in the ...
We are slowly uploading our archives. Thanks! Are you raising kids that are logical thinkers? Are they able to engage those critical thinking skills and solve mind bending puzzles? Did you know these ...
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Castle whose name is repeatedly rhymed with “Shalott,” in “The Lady of Shalott”: seven letters.