When the state Department of Education released academic test scores of California’s public school students in October, it cast them in positive terms. “Overall,” the department said, “the percentages ...
Jennifer Rice de la Sanchez, the district’s director of teaching and learning, said after most of its suggestions were approved — except making 50 the lowest possible grade — the ...
RISON - For the most part, Rison High School students ranked among the top districts in the Southeast Arkansas Education Cooperative based on results from the first ATLAS (Arkansas Teaching, Learni ...
Exams given at the end of high school courses like English, math and history will now count for 5-15% of a student's final grade.
The Missouri State Board of Education wants to change the required content grade point average (GPA) requirement from 3.0 to ...
Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. Story continues below photo gallery. ...
Champaign School District officials met Monday night to review the last year of scores and stats. The board talked about data ...
MADISON, Wis. - One of the most essential skills to have is math, and it is an area in which many students are struggling ...
How did U.S. students fare academically last year? There are three different sources of information to answer that question.
The Glen Cove City School District's test scores have shown “significant growth” in recent years,  Superintendent Maria Rianna said.
North Carolina students continue, on average, to increase end-of-grade test scores since pandemic lows in 2021, new data ...
Colorado teachers say more students are struggling with their determination as both COVID and technology have shifted ...