In the build log, [Downing] started off this build by using a 3D printed enclosure, carefully milled, filled, and painted to become one of the best one-off console repackagings we’ve ever seen.
《黑神话:悟空》作为中国第一款3A大作,在全球单机游戏市场上好评如潮的它,正在以极其新颖的方式,传承和传播了中国的优秀传统文化。大家都知道,在《西游记》原著中,孙悟空出海学艺,学得了72种变化,而我们中国黑神话游戏也出海了,并给国内外玩家一同奉上了中 ...
X1Plus is alternative firmware for the Bambu Lab X1 FDM 3D printer that was developed by X1 owners who felt that there were some features that they were missing, such as a detailed report on ...