“Giant Robot Hellboy” is back and battling, but with little new to say past its premise, an identity crisis for the title feels more and more clear ahead of December’s finale. Spoilers ahead. While ...
Set primarily in 1889-1890, the penultimate episode shows how Elias Mannix became Sir Julian Harker, and how he seduced Polly Hillinghead into becoming his wife, deploying his working-class charm to ...
What will it take to stop a war? In a desperate attempt to save the Earth Kingdom from falling back into the dark days of conquest and war, Korra and Kuvira convince an old friend to return for the ...
Hillinghead takes center stage in 1890 here, as he discovers the man in Ashe’s photograph is a wealthy war hero/impostor named Sir Julian Harker, also played by Stephen Graham. Harker invites him to a ...
Hope Nicholson, the writer of The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen and owner of Bedside Press – a publisher based in Winnipeg – has shuttered the company following her confession to sexual ...
With the 25th anniversary of the Resident Evil franchise, we have had various projects pop up, including two video games (Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 VR) and an animated Netflix series ...
Welcome back to our Halloween special, an analysis of the original “Hack/Slash” run by Tim Seeley from 2004 to 2013. In the last part, we discussed the core concept, some major characters, and some ...
Azula is arguably one of the most engaging and well-written characters in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. A sociopathic princess, she posed one of the greatest threats to Aang and Zuko, before ...
Raptor! Tracer! Irish Wolfhound! Empyrean! Dreamkiller! Wildstreak! The Cadre! You could be forgiven for not knowing who any of these people are — but after the jump, we’ll look back at one of the ...
In case you still have not heard, Apple has officially banned “Sex Criminals” from iOS. While you can still get the comic digitally through other means (Image’s website, Comixology’s website), Apple’s ...
“Sam Zabel is a cartoonist. Or so he says. Truth be told, Sam hasn’t drawn a comic in years. Every few days, Sam sits before a sheet of blank white paper, pencil posed in shaking hand… Sam remembers ...