Automotive radar is going through a huge technology transition. There is growing demand for higher resolution radars and ...
Energy Research SubscriptionAdvanced Li-ion Battery TechnologiesAI-Driven Battery TechnologyBatteries for Stationary Energy StorageBattery Markets in Construction, Agriculture & Mining MachinesDirect ...
For the pack surrounding the cells, cell-to-pack batteries are becoming a standard option for EV batteries and ...
80 条 10 年预测线,涵盖 17 种 3D 技术和 10 种 3D 打印材料类型。包括聚合物、金属、陶瓷、复合材料和建筑 3D 打印的技术细分、市场分析、基准化研究、参与者概况 技术和打印机基准化研究,全面的参与者评估、基于采访的公司概况,以及市场详细预测。
Low-Loss Materials for 5G and 6G 2024-2034: Markets, Trends, Forecasts 5G and 6G materials market assessment. Low-loss materials market forecasts, trends, players, and technologies. Flexible ...
可穿戴传感器不仅是持续监测健康、健身与保健(状态)的基石,也是推动下一代人机界面、工业物联网及扩展现实领域创新的核心力量。随着可穿戴技术应用的不断拓展,传感器迎来了前所未有的发展机遇,能够检测更为精细的指标,融入新颖的设计形态 ...
IDTechEx conducts detailed examinations of emerging technologies based on extensive primary research carried out by our technical analysts around the world. Clear, concise and considered view of ...
此报告是 IDTechEx 过去十年来对可穿戴技术市场和技术研究的巅峰。它包含所有可穿戴设备领域的重大主题、产品趋势和驱动因素的精准概述和数据;以及各个领域的所有整理总结和市场数据,包括智能手表和健身追踪器、VR、AR 和 MR、耳戴式设备、智能服装和 ...
Magnetic Materials That Could Replace Rare Earths in EV Motors Many will be aware of the concerns around rare earth materials, such as price volatility and environmental impact. One way to alleviate ...
这份报告提供海陆空电动车的市场分析。包括基于动力传动系统的历史表现、市场进展、技术、参与者和市场预测。包括汽车、两轮车、三轮车、微型车、LCV、卡车、公共汽车、船艇、建筑车辆、火车和空中出租车 (eVTOL) 的市场。 本报告深度剖析了中型与重型 ...