截至周日,缅甸3.28大地震已造成 约1700人死亡,3400人受伤,并有300多人失踪 。各医院已经不堪重负,一些地方争抢有限的资源。缅甸军政府警告, 死亡人数可能会进一步上升 ,并罕见地呼吁国际社会提供援助。国际救援队和援助物资也开始涌入缅甸。
澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯已经宣布5月3日举行联邦大选了,总督也准备签发选举令,这就意味着 国会解散 , 政府进入看守模式 ,议员可以专心去参加各自选区的竞选了。
达顿将自己的领导权赌在了“原住民之声”(The Voice)公投上。2023年10月14日投票结束仅90分钟后,该提案就被否决了,这位反对党领袖成为最大的政治赢家。 历史表明,反对党不会在执政党上台一个任期后获胜。这也是为什么托尼·阿博特(Tony ...
Federal Labor pledges to contribute $150 million towards a new $300 million healthcare centre planned at Flinders University, ...
The Anglo American-owned Moranbah North in central Queensland has been safely evacuated after dangerous gas levels were ...
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Shadow Energy Minister Ted O'Brien and Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic face voters as the election campaign gears up.
As the election campaign gets underway, Laura Tingle looks at the messaging, who is being effective and what role US ...
Follow the latest news headlines from Australia's most trusted source. Read in-depth expert analysis and watch live coverage ...
The mother of a teenage boy killed in a car crash in Melbourne's south-east says she has been left devastated by the tragedy.