Residents in Tondo displaced by a recent fire will be home by Christmas, President Marcos said as he distributed P21 million ...
A 23-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly taking advantage of his 19-year-old drinking companion in Barangay 105, ...
周一中午,拉斯皮纳斯市的一名女性被发现倒在草地上,身中25刀,鲜血直流。根据报道,受害者被送往医院后宣告不治。目击者称,当时有一名保安听到女子的求救声,并迅速报警,但嫌疑人依然成功逃离。通过调查,警方在受害者手机中发现了一条“再见”的信息,成功锁定了 ...
星期日早上,菲律宾首都马尼拉的汤都区 (Tondo)发生大火,当地是大片的贫民窟,约1,000 栋简易房屋被烧毁,虽未传出伤死伤,但2,000个家庭因此无家可归,马尼拉市长已发布紧急状态。
A massive fire tore through a coastal shanty town in the Philippine capital on Sunday, leaving at least 2,000 families ...
President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. on Saturday distributed financial aid worth P21 million to residents affected by a ...
MANILA, Philippines — A fire razed several houses in Tondo on the morning of Sunday, November 24. As of 11:51 a.m., ...
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. distributed food packs and cash as government assistance to families affected by the massive ...
菲律宾首都马尼拉周日(24日)一处密集的贫民窟(Isla Puting Bato,Tondo, Manila,Philippines)突发大火,约1000间房屋被熊熊燃烧的火焰吞噬,浓浓的黑烟在天空中翻腾。消防队等各部门出动了36辆消防车和4艘消防船,同时该国空军也派出了两架直升机协助灭火。目前暂无伤亡报告。 (画面取自Manila DRRM Office / BFP-NCR Manila Cit ...
The fire spread rapidly through makeshift homes in Manila’s Tondo district, an official said, displacing 1,000 families.
For Kian Aze Cordero, a student from Timoteo Paez Integrated School, art has become a helpful tool in coping with academic ...
Raging orange flames and thick black smoke billowed into the sky Sunday as fire ripped through hundreds of houses in a ...