A pulsar within a few thousand light-years of Earth could have accelerated electrons and positrons to the highest energies ...
A new research field combining artificial intelligence and biomedicine is starting in Dresden ...
Neue Therapien könnten die Anpassungen von Darmbakterien unterbinden, dank derer sie in entzündeten Regionen überleben können ...
New therapies could prevent the adjustments in intestinal bacteria that enable them to survive in inflamed regions ...
Im Beisein von Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer und Wissenschaftsminister Sebastian Gemkow haben in der Sächsischen ...
Artificial intelligence is becoming ever more prevalent in people’s daily lives—and it’s also seeing increased coverage in the media. A Bitcom survey of around 1,000 people showed that around 95 ...
Ein Pulsar innerhalb weniger tausender Lichtjahre Entfernung zur Erde könnte Elektronen und Positronen auf die höchsten ...
A recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, in collaboration with the MSB Medical School Berlin and the ...
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Hamburg Halle Erlangen Dresden Stuttgart ...
Die Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF), vormals Rechenzentrum Garching (RZG), befindet sich in Garching bei München und ist ein Kompetenzzentrum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Die ...
Milestones of the history of science and the beginnings of the Max Planck Society in the "German Oxford" Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science and go on a journey in time through ...
Born 1966 in Tehran, Iran. Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of California in Davis (1987), Ph.D. in Physics (supervisors: E. A. Hinds and S. Haroche) from Yale University (1993), ...