Postdoctoral Researcher in Epidemiology Department of Global Public Health 2024-12-02 Professor in Social Medicine combined with a clinical employment as a specialist trained physician at the Centre ...
I am an associate professor within clinical epidemiology, affiliated to Professor Olof Stephansson's research group at the Clinical Epidemiology Division at the Department of Medicine, Solna. I am ...
Our central theme is to understand the immunological effects of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are natural nanovesicles released from all cells and are present in all body fluids. We work both with ...
Nationellt centrum för suicidforskning och prevention (NASP) bistår regeringen och Region Stockholms beslutsfattare och invånare med kunskapsunderlag, kunskapsutveckling och kunskapsspridning. Vårt ...
In the research group we use data from the Swedish MS register sometimes also linked to data from Swedish public databases such as the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), ...
As of January 2025 and until the end of the year, these scientific journals will form the basis for KI’s so-called top publications list. The list of qualified journals is based on information from ...
A-E Group leader/PI: Konstantinos Ampatzis Research group: Neuroplasticity and Regeneration – Konstantinos Ampatzis group Research area: Neural networks and behavior Location: Biomedicum, 4D Group ...
The Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet is a nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost. CMB ...
I Sverige står Karolinska Institutet för den enskilt största andelen av den medicinska akademiska forskningen. Forskningen spänner över hela det biomedicinska fältet – från grundläggande experimentell ...
Hiv-viruset identifierades för över 40 år sedan och snart kunde man koppla ihop det med den dödliga sjukdomen aids. Globalt lever 40 miljoner med hiv men tack vare forskning så finns idag effektiva ...
Your contribution to KI SÖS not only enables further medical support on common injuries and diseases, but it also helps us at Södersjukhuset to provide our patients ...
Activities at the Division of Biomolecular and Cellular Medicine (BCM) focus on the application of modified biomolecules, cells and cell products as novel therapy agents as well as the identification ...