Indiana Jones has been such an iconic character that he has inspired generations of new heroes, and nowhere is that more ...
In an attempt to boost growth, the company behind the $41 billion digital dollar USDC is deepening its ties to Binance and ...
吴说获悉,币安与 Circle 在阿布扎比金融周宣布达成战略合作,旨在推动 USDC 稳定币的全球 adoption 并加速数字资产生态发展。币安将全面整合 USDC 稳定币,覆盖其 2.4 亿用户的交易、储蓄和支付场景,并将 USDC 纳入企业财库管理。Circle 将为币安提供技术、流动性支持,双方计划共同拓展稳定币在全球金融和商业场景中的应用。
PANews 12月5日消息,据彭博社报道,稳定币发行商Circle Internet Financial Ltd.表示,作为定期运营审查的一部分,该公司进行了裁员。Circle发言人表示,裁员人数占Circle员工总数的不到6%,公司将继续投资于 ...
Circle Internet Financial Ltd., the issuer of the stablecoin USDC, and the crypto exchange Binance said they’re partnering to ...
For all its mechanical faults, The Great Circle's best character moment blends the human and supernatural sides of Indiana ...