近期,人工智能领域传来了一则引人注目的消息,Perplexity AI正积极展开新一轮融资谈判,旨在筹集高达5亿美元的资金,并期望借此机会将公司估值推升至90亿美元的新高度。 回溯至今年早些时候,Perplexity ...
Built into the revamped search engine is Microsoft's AI chatbot, Copilot, which can perform a number of tasks the old Bing ...
百亿补贴、千万豪礼放送,过去二十余年以来,无数厂商靠着“撒币”在波云诡谲的互联网江湖蹚出了一条路,“烧钱换市场”也已经被证明了是一个行之有效的策略。如今,即便强如微软也开始学习大洋彼岸友商的思路了,该公司最近推出了一项新活动,主题就是用户使用Edge ...
第一批AI大模型创业者们,正密集加入大厂。因为讨厌大公司的官僚作风,2021年,AI大牛Noam Shazeer和Daniel De Freitas从谷歌离职,融资1.5亿美元,创立了大模型聊天机器人Character.AI。不 ...
It’s also possible that Google’s approach might not fit your search style. For that reason, there are plenty of AI-powered ...
In the short-term, the most dangerous thing about AI language models may be their ability to emotionally manipulate humans if not carefully conditioned. The world saw its first taste of that potential ...
Microsoft first unveiled a revamped, AI-powered version of its search engine, Bing, last year. The new Bing, which promised to be "more powerful than ChatGPT," runs on Microsoft's own next ...