Clues and answer for Wed., Dec. 4

Sports Edition answer and hints for groups. These clues will help you solve The New York Times' popular puzzle game, Connections: Sports Edition, every day.
This guide offers a selection of handy Connections hints, along with the answers to today's Connections puzzle on Thursday ...
Looking for today's Connections answers? The Connections answers on November 29 for puzzle #537 get much hard than ...
The answers to today's Connections, game #536, are… ...
A Wordle Cheat Sheet is a helpful guide crafted to ... While they don't give away the answers, these guides enhance the game experience by offering insights rooted in data and strategy.
That meant I had 81 possible answers to choose from, according to WordleBot. The Bot's best Wordle start words improved on that — especially those which contained 'S'. SLATE, for example ...