Nickelodeon's most popular cartoon, SpongeBob Squarepants, is filled with episodes that evoke an illogical, goofy sense of humor, not to mention some really disturbing, scary SpongeBob episodes.
Bubble Bass and the Dirty Bubble team up to become Bikini Bottom's nastiest nefarious nuisance; Plankton joins the SquarePants family in the hope of becoming closer to SpongeBob (and the secret ...
Nickelodeon collaborated with Screen Novelties, a Los Angeles-based stop-motion animation production company, to create the ...
Following the success of Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated and its spiritual successor The Cosmic Shake, THQ is going all in on a third SpongeBob SquarePants game. Announced as part of a 30 ...
in season two of SpongeBob SquarePants. First aired on Dec. 6, 2000, the episode shows SpongeBob excited about his first Christmas after learning about it from Sandy. He convinces the entire town ...
The Paramount Plus December 2024 schedule includes a holiday collection, Dear Santa, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Dexter: ...