Led by Neil Donahue (Carnegie Mellon University), Environmental Science: Atmospheres is a gold open access journal committed to bringing the wider environmental science and climate change communities ...
Biomaterials Science Communications contain novel scientific work of such importance that rapid publication is desirable. Authors should briefly indicate in a covering letter the reasons why they feel ...
We’re delighted to announce that all articles accepted for publication in Network Science from 10th November 2023 will be ‘open access’; published with a Creative Commons licence and freely available ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
For more information, see Aims & Scope. Nature Computational Science is an exclusively online publication. This allows us to publish articles as soon as they are ready, which benefits authors with ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://www.editorialmanager ...
Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary ...
Research published early online in American Meteorological Society journals discusses waning inflow to western U.S. dams, marine heatwaves, historical hurricane damage in 2022 dollars, and the link ...