The show is a part of the series of shows at the Art Institute this fall and winter imagining Panafrica, an imaginary world that unites all those of African descent in order to “achieve freedom and ...
Painted in coloured inks and gouache by Rabindranath Tagore ... are listed in a German inventory of 'degenerate art' Until 1937, Tagore's paintings were housed in Berlin's baroque Crown Prince ...
To mark the 150th birth anniversary of Nobel Laureate Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian Cultural Centre has organised an exhibition of Digital re-prints of Tagore paintings titled ‘Artist ...
Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) is beloved by Indians as a poet and writer, and recognized around the world as the first non-European to be awarded a Nobel Prize for literature. Yet few outside India ...