MacCormack, Alan, W. Crandall, P. Toft, and P. Henderson. "Do You Need a New Product-Development Strategy?" Research-Technology Management 55, no. 1 (January ...
This way, only the wealthy companies can afford to use CIN in their product development process. Plus a high level of strategic flexibility is needed in the management of the company because of the ...
Imai, Ken-ichi, Ikujiro Nonaka, and Hirotaka Takeuchi. "Managing the New Product Development Process: How Japanese Companies Learn and Unlearn." In The Uneasy Alliance: Managing the ...
The overall process of strategy, organization ... of coming up with good ideas is to follow the tested track to new product development success. New product development can be described as ...
Understand why product and technology strategy is critical to successful product development. Apply product development strategies, methods, and tools to generate new product or service ideas. Analyze ...
Dr. Jensen joined the Inprentus team as a research scientist in 2014 after earning a PhD in Chemical Engineering. As Chief Engineering Officer, he leads the team on streamlining manufacturing, process ...