最近mac mini M4赶上国补,价格低至34XX元,实在是太香了。纠结几天,垃圾佬最终选择二手的air M1。怎么说这半个月的心路历程呢,真不是一句两句说得清的,且听我唠唠叨叨吧。 这一代mac mini有什么特色呢: 价格优势 ...
There is a way to use a collection of M4 Mac minis in a cluster, but the benefits only really exist when you use high-end ...
While I believe many switchers did purchase a Mac mini as their entrance into the Mac OS X ecosystem, the small computer soon garnered a large fan base. People started buying them as servers. They ...
最近搭载m4处理器的全新mac mini已经上市啦,最低售价只要3500多,而且加量不加价。之前苹果的内存比金子还贵,这次起步就是16GB的内存,相信不少小伙伴都上车了。如果你和我一样,刚开始从Windows系统转到Mac OS,第一次使用mac ...
【CNMO科技新闻】继昨日推出全新的iMac后,苹果在今天晚间再次带来了全新的Mac mini。2024款Mac mini经过重新设计,强大性能全部容纳在12.7厘米见方的 ...
If you’re looking to pair your Mac mini with an ultrawide display, the Dell U4025QW is one of the best options on the market.
Most notably, the mini PC is expected to use an "undisclosed Intel processor, 8GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage," according to ...
苹果公司于 10 月发布了搭载 M4 芯片的新款 iMac、Mac mini 和 MacBook Pro。
Fernando and Jeff discuss today’s official availability of the M4 Mac mini, including first impressions and planned use cases. Also, why visionOS 2.2 makes the Apple Vision Pro worth buying if ...
The M4 Mac Mini, a compact and powerful device from Apple, has surprised many with its unexpected gaming capabilities.
A retro tech enthusiast has revitalized a classic Apple iMac G4 ‘lampshade’ computer with a state-of-the-art M4 injection.
If you are looking for a MacBook deal we are sharing a few of the best below, but, for even more, read our guide to the best ...