100 handbag brands flocked to Milan to showcase their new collections at Italy’s international leather goods fair, Mipel. The gathering sent a clear message from Italy’s luxury fashion ...
Today, the heart of this artisanal trade in handbags, as it has been for decades, is Italy. Looking over the colourful harbour of Palermo, Sicily, Studio Sarta is one of some 4,500 leather ...
The market data presented here is based on an analysis of the financial filings of a set of market leading companies that target the luxury segments within the specified categories and only ...
Italian luxury label Marsèll is known for its immaculate craftsmanship, which is evident in every inch of this sleek Italian leather bag lined with soft suede. Think of it as a capsule wardrobe ...
An investigation by Milan prosecutors into working conditions at local factories found workshops making handbags and other ...
Renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and the use of premium European materials, BONAVENTURA, Italy’s luxury leather goods ...
Images of an unkempt facility where designer handbags were ... the cost of the leather and hardware, but that would only add ...