As we have often said in the past, and will say again now, for reasons that have always been somewhat unclear to us, the Ashes of the Singularity benchmark ... the Intel Core i9-12900K is going ...
据悉,这款主机搭载英特尔酷睿i9-12900HK处理器,拥有14核心20线程(6P+8E),睿频可达5.0GHz,L3缓存为24MB,TDP为45W,集成了Iris Xe核显。 存储与扩展性 ...
IT之家 10 月 28 日消息,极摩客 M3 Plus 迷你主机现已在京东上架,这款迷你主机采用“i9-12900HK + 32GB RAM + 1TB 储存空间”配置,售 2599 元,将于 10 ...
据介绍,极摩客 M3 Plus 迷你主机搭载英特尔酷睿 i9-12900HK 处理器,14 核心 20 线程、峰值 TDP 45W;锐炬 Xe 核显,支持 AV1 视频解码。 该款迷你主机 ...