Robert Stern FBA (1962-2024) was a British philosopher who served as a professor of philosophy at the University of Sheffield ...
and organism and system in German Idealism. The result is an illuminating overview of a rich and complex philosophical movement, and will appeal to a wide range of interested readers in philosophy, ...
Arthur Schopenhauer was a prominent philosopher who pushed the boundaries of German Idealism to its full potential. Admirer ...
Wikimedia When you think of political philosophy, you think of Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and Johann Fichte. Both ...
Early German Romanticism sought to respond to a comprehensive sense of spiritual crisis that characterised the late eighteenth century. The study demonstrates how the Romantics sought to bring ...
I specialize in German Idealism and phenomenology. Before joining Boston College, I held research fellowships in Germany, Italy, and Ireland, where I taught phenomenology, existentialism, post-Kantian ...
This short book examines the relation of Marxist philosophy to that of Hegel. Engels acknowledges the impact that the critique of Hegel’s idealism by the German materialist philosopher Ludwig ...
Lenin opposed idealist subjectivism as incompatible ... by enriching it “with the achievements of German classical philosophy, especially of Hegel’s system, which in its turn had led to ...