Drug information specialists are pharmacists whose primary responsibility is the provision of drug information. As with any specialty, formalized training beyond that received in pharmacy school ...
MATTB provides assistance and training through outreach to industry. A: CDER's Division of Drug Information (DDI) serves as a focal point for public inquiries regarding human drug products.
The Drug Information Response Center (DIRC) at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPPS) provides drug information services to the New York State Department ...
The Purdue Alcohol and Other Drug Policy Guide contains information about alcohol and other drug issues, including Purdue policies, state and federal laws, the health effects, impacts of violations, ...
The UW School of Pharmacy maintains the Drug Information Center to provide accurate and complete drug information to health care professionals and residents within the state of Wyoming and to UW ...
To allow immediate global open access to all articles, npj Drug Discovery levies an article processing charge (APC). Current APCs and waiver information are available in this section.
Get detailed information on Pitofenone ... Pitofenone is an antispasmodic drug that is used to relieve pain and spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, biliary tract ...